“Assholes” Premieres This Saturday @ SXSW

“Assholes” Premieres This Saturday @ SXSW
Assholes is a feature film about Adah Shapiro and Aaron Mark, two sober drug addicts who, after meeting in their psychoanalyst’s waiting room, fall in love, relapse, and become the biggest assholes in New York City. Check out the IndieWire article here >‘Assholes’ Exclusive Trailer and Poster: Two Recovering Drug Addicts Behave Badly in SXSW Comedy Support The Cause Here > Kickstart ASSHOLES the feature film to SXSW! “Assholes” will be screening Saturday, March 11; Monday, March 13; and Wednesday, March 15 at Alamo Lamar, at SXSW!

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