Sigur Rós x Lord Jones Sound Bath at NeueHouse

Sigur Rós x Lord Jones Sound Bath at NeueHouse

The night may have marked the beginning of a new form of legally enhanced live experiences.

Sigur Rós brought the goods, literally. First and foremost the Icelandic trio gave an indisputably fantastic performance with loops and samples and lead singer Jónsi’s sublime and processed vocals enhancing a dynamic set earlier this week (April 18) within the historic theatre at Neuehouse, a private members club in the center of Hollywood.

Here, surrounding the sound booth, were roughly 200 people strewn about on pillows, day beds and rugs laying prone beneath a transfixing light sculpture called a “Sólblossi” (Icelandic for “Solar Flare”) designed by Juan Azulay that seemed like a pulsating heart with sinewy tentacles. And then there were the three nearly-naked waifish male dancers slinking about with candles. But what really brought the night together is something else entirely: edibles. Thank you, oh Lord! Or rather specifically Lord Jones, the company that collaborated with Sigur Rós to create its limited-edition Wild Sigurberry cannabis-infused gumdrops that fueled this evening. The newly launched product was offered to the show’s attendees in varying potencies ranging from 5mg of THC for those who wanted a  high, or the more medicinal 5:1 CBD-infused candy with a hint of THC, which provides a more relaxing and lucid experience. “I’m a lightweight,” said Sigur Rós lead singer Jónsi who in recent years has begun dividing his time between L.A.’s Silver Lake and Reykjavik–which helps explains his edible dabbling. “Me and Alex [his boyfriend Alex Somers who he plays in Riceboy Sleeps with and who just scored the film Captain Fantastic] have a house in LA,” Jónsi told Billboard in between the evening’s two sound baths. “We don’t smoke but we’ve been getting a little bit into edibles. We tried it and we liked them. They’re mild, and not too strong.”
Jónsi says he prefers the medicinal CBD which he says relaxes his muscles, “without getting too stoned” and says that he has “a hard time smoking pot.” When asked if he dabbled tonight he says, “Maybe. Maybe we all did one CBD, because it’s very mild and it doesn’t get you high.” On this night, it really does seem as if everyone here is on the same wavelength. Read the rest of this article and more on – billboard   Save Save Save Save Save Save Save


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